Hire a vetted contrator with just a few clicks 🛠️
Book a Vetted
Pro Instantly
Instantly book licensed & vetted contractors to get your job done right.
Hero image of a man contractors smiling with some metric graphics
Shield Icon
All contractors in our network carry an active license in good standing for all trade work.
Checkmark Icon
Background Checks
All contractors run background checks on every repair technician.
Flag Icon
All Latchel contractors are required to carry liability and workers’ compensation insurance.
Tool Icon
Work Guaranteed
Labor is guaranteed for a minimum of 30 days and parts guaranteed up to 1 year.
How it Works
Paper with check marks icon
1. Tell Us About Your Project
Easily submit your address and maintenance details through our user-friendly online form.
    Lighting Bolt Icon
    2. Instantly Book
    In just a few clicks, you will be matched with a vetted contractor who will confirm a repair appointment in 24 hours.
      Smiley Face Icon
      3. Sit Back and Relax
      Sit back and relax while we handle your repair from start to finish, backed by our guarantee.
        How does Latchel
        qualify contractors?
        Green checkmark with circle around it icon
        Contractors have an active trade license in good standing, and carry liability and workers' compensation insurance.
        Green checkmark with circle around it icon
        Background Checks
        All contractors run background checks on their employees
        and technicians.
        Green checkmark with circle around it icon
        All contractors must carry liability and workers compensation insurance.
        Green checkmark with circle around it icon
        Work Guaranteed
        Contractors must guarantee all repair work for a minimum of 30 days and parts for up to one year.
        All contractors must maintain a ⭐️ 4.5/5 rating from residents and landlords.
        Rates & Fees
        Budget Protection
        You will never be charged for work that exceeds the budget limit you’ve allocated for a given work order, unless you explicitly approve it.
        Estimate Fees
        Your estimate fee will be waived if you proceed with the vendor's service; otherwise there is a minimum 1 hour fee.

        Work Type

        Hourly Rate

        Non-Specialty (Plumbing, HVAC, Appliance)
        Specialty (Electric, Remodel, Large HVAC)
        How do budget limits work?
        Any repairs that cost less than your budget limit will be completed when the vendor first visits your property. If the repair cost is more than your budget limit, the vendor is required to submit an estimate which will require your approval. Contractors may attempt to contact you while on site to get approval quickly so they can begin work. Latchel requires at least a $125 minimum budget, but you can increase your budget limit higher if you want to avoid delays from the estimate process and get the work done as fast as possible.
        How does Latchel protect my payment?
        Protecting your personal information is something we take seriously. When you dispatch contractors and pay through Latchel, your bank account details are secured and your payment data is encrypted. Latchel only processes repair invoices within your budget limit, keeping payments fair and timely for both parties.

        If work quality issues exist, Latchel first attempts to recall the vendor using their work guarantee. If the vendor is unable to respond, then Latchel refunds your payment under our payment protection policy. Latchel is the safest way to pay for your repair work.
        How do I get help with my repair request?
        If you have any questions or need help submitting your repair request, don't hesitate to reach out.
        Book a repair in a few clicks
        Book a Repair